Circus celebrates the art of magazine craft, with quality journalism, beautiful photography, stunning illustration and design.


What is Circus?

Launched in 2018, Circus is a regional media brand with a design, editorial and production philosophy that is changing the way people think about local magazines.

With an average reading time of 24 minutes and a core audience of working professionals in their 30s and 40s - including many people who have relocated from London - Circus is the first choice to connect with the next generation of people living in Bath, Bristol and the south-west.

Circus aims to: 

  • Showcase independent businesses at the top of their game, and profile the people who live and work in Bath, Bristol and the south-west of England.

  • Champion creativity and, as a product of the Instagram era, always provide beautiful photography, illustration and a love of design that permeates every page.  

  • Celebrate the art of magazine craft; with quality independent journalism, the best design talent, and always ensure an environmentally friendly approach to print, production and distribution.

  • Inspire and inform the next generation of people who live and work in the south-west.

Our content

Circus has established itself as an influential lifestyle media brand in the south-west and provides inspiration and insight into the creative people who live and work in Bath, Bristol and beyond.

Our readers and Instagram followers turn to and trust our content about the best independent shops, restaurants, coffee shops, workspaces and other creative hangouts.

Every issue we guide readers to the very best Bath and Bristol have to offer– while also shining a light on local issues and the community heroes working hard to solve them – positioning Circus as a trusted and independent thought-maker in the south-west.

“I enjoy reading Circus Journal and am always saving the go-to spots in my Google Maps.”

— Reader, Cheltenham

“Circus Journal is a ludicrously lovely magazine, and distributed within some of my favourite independent shops. Seriously, you should check this one out! ”

— Blogger, Bristol

“Circus does a really good job of presenting a different side of Bath. It’s the first time I saw the city I like...”

— Reader, Bath